
Illustrator commands
Illustrator commands

illustrator commands

I’m actually tracking the available versions as best I can and will update later. Thanks I noticed some changes thanks to your confirmation. Var result = prompt("Enter Command To Test", "", "Test Built-In Commands") Īlert("Error executing command:\n" + result + "\n\n" + e) There is another list on this forum (posted in 2014) that I have yet to review but I am aware of it and plan to compare it with Shalako's. Let me know if you have any other that I may have missed. I'm trying to test each command in context to ensure they are working correctly. I also, made a simple script to test the commands below if you want to test any yourself. I've also updated any verbiage that may have changed in the menu system (since 2017) and updated the ordering to match Ai v26.3.1. So far, I've found about 90 that no longer work. Right now I'm about halfway through the original 506 commands from Shalako's list. The sheet includes the Original List of commands from Shalako and a working list of the commands that I'm testing in Ai v26.3.1.

illustrator commands

I'm sharing this here because I figured this might be useful to some of you who write scripts for Illustrator. As you might imagine, some of those commands no longer work, and since I'm about to release v0.2.0 of Ai Command Palette I've been testing them all and keeping track of the results in this Google Sheet. While building Ai Command Palette I found a great list of executeMenuCommand() values extracted by Shalako Lee from the 2017 SDK.

Illustrator commands